How a Mailing List Will Grow Your Business

Your number one job as an entrepreneur is to market your business.  Without marketing your business will not grow.  Without growth, your business will die; it may languish for a long time, but it will eventually die.

To build your business, you must stop working many hours to attract one client; you must use a system that will allow you to attract and work with many ideal clients at once.

One of the greatest business building tools at your fingertips is to publish newsletter.  A mailing list allows you to market your business to many people as opposed to just one or a few AND these people WANT to hear from you!

 Seven reasons a mailing list will grow your business:

  1. A mailing list allows you to reach out to people who want to hear from you repeatedly.

  2. Because a newsletter which you will send to your mailing list allows you to build the know, trust, and like factor with your ideal customers, you will sell more of your products and services far more than you ever will via just a website.  A good rule of thumb:  make 90% of your newsletter educational and 10% promotional.

  3. A newsletter will position you as an expert in your field.  This comes from sharing knowledge in a particular area. If you don’t have anything to share, don’t send the newsletter. 

  4. Sending a newsletter to your mailing list provides a vehicle for you to automatically follow up with people.

  5. A newsletter allows you to effortlessly spread the word about what you do.

  6. A newsletter is an ideal way to capture website visitors.

  7. A newsletter is cheap, easy to create and publish.

Carmin Wharton

Carmin Wharton is a dedicated and compassionate business and life coach, specializing in empowering midlife women and women over 50. With a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that come with this stage of life, she is committed to helping women reinvent themselves and create thriving online businesses.

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